
Jury member of Benois de la Danse
Roland Petit, with whoms ballet Tlicsinar goes on tour to Canada, puts"Forms “on her.
She makes a lot of tours in Europe and to the United States, dances in productions of various coreographers, takes part in a lot of tv-programs and receives the Anna Pavlova Prize.
Lacotte elaborates for her the romantic ballet “Sylphides “. She is getting a big public success and the best appreciation from professional dancers. She is invited at the Paris Opera House where she is awarded with the title of “star“ and gets the leading role in another romantic masterpiece Giselle”, in which as the Sylphides” even the russian audience is able to see her dance.
At the Paris Opera House G. Thesmar dances the entire repertory: Chopiniane”, «Orpheus” by Gluck, elaborated for her by G. Balanchine and directed at the opening evening by a newly nominated director Rolf Liebermann. She also dances in other ballets of Balanchine like — “Crystal Palace», “Agon“, takes part in “Swan Lake“, “Coppelia“, winch lakes her hack to the original version of Pierre Lacolte's Arthur Saint-Leon; together with Michel Denard she dances Sherazade ” made for them by Roland Petit: together with whom she is dancing in Baiadera” and in the prelude of'Apres-midi d'un Faune” by Jerome Robbins. A lieia A lonso givs her the part of Aurora in Sleeping Beauty ” by Roland Petit — Esmeralda in “The Cathedral of the Vergin in Paris “ during the tour of the Opera in Brazil. In A rgentina G. Thesmar is awarded the Dance Prize and in Paris the Order of Merits. For the f'rench television she is dancing in “Hamlet“, coreo-grapher Lacotte, together with M. Denard. At the Paris Opera House G. Balanchine wants her for the ballets “The Waltz”, Sonatina” and the gipsy”.
In 1976 the invites her to New York, where she, with enormous success, takes part at the New York City Ballet in “Sonatina“, “Baroque Concert“, “La Sonnamhula“ and others. At the Paris Opera House G. Thesmar is dancing in the ballets of Serge Lifar: “Fedor“ and “Mirage“ and in Chicago, together with M. Baryshnikov Prodigal Son” by G. Balanchine.
Again she is innvited by him to dance with the New York City Ballet in Nutcracker”, Pas de deux”, Tjajkovskij, Tjakonnu”, Gluck, Violin-Concert”, Stravinsky, and other performances.
In 1985 G. Thesmar is together with P Lacotle the leading director of the Monte-Carlo Ballet and in 1987 R. Nureyev invites her to work with the repetition program at the Paris Opera House.