
Benois de la Danse nominee
Ahn's Sungsoo technically demanding choreography has been awarded across the country including the Scrippt/ADF Hum prey- Weidman-Limon Award for Choreography, the Bonnie Bird North American Award, the Martha Hill's Award as well as the third prize in the Tokyo International Choreography Competition. In 1997 Ahn Sungsoo moved back to Seoul, after 13 year of living in the United States. Since then he has made eighteen new works for dance companies including the National Ballet of Korea, the National Dance Company of Korea, Seoul Contemporary Dance and Sungsoo Ahn Pick-up Group. In Jan. 2002 Sungsoo Ahn received 2001 Korean Dance Critic's Award with his dance work Beyond My Control, and in Jan. 2005 he received Dance Art Award with his latest dance production My Funeral. And in December 2005 he received the best Arts Award of the Year with the same dance production.