
Benois de la Danse nominee
The laureate of several choreographic competitions (Violine Prize in 1984, the Concours international de Nyon Prize in 1984 and 1985) he ended his career as a dancer in 1986 in order to set up the Compagnie Temps Present. It was first based in Elancourt in the Yvelines departement, then in Saint-Etienne, as an Associate Company, at the Esplanade Saint-Etienne Opera. During his twelve years at the head of the Company, his work was recognized through the Prize of the Fondation de la Vocation, the Prize of the Fondation de France, the Prize of the Fondation Oulmont and the Prize"New Talent of the SACD. In 1998, Madame CatherineTrautman, Minister oFCulture, appointed im as the director of the Centre Choregraphique National — Ballet Biarritz.
Thierry Malandain is the author of about sixty horegraphies, many of which are in the repertoire of other companies: Ballet Florida, Aspen Santa Fe Ballet, Singapore Dance Theatre, Ballet Contenporaneo de Caracas, Opera du Caire, Ballet Royal des Flandres, Ballet Royal de Wallonie, Ballet du San Carlo de Naples, Ballet National de Bordeaux, Ballet du Rhin, Ballet du Nord, Ballet National de Nancy, Ballet de Nantes, Ballet de Nice, Euro Ballet du Luxembourg, Ballet du Stadteater de Karlsruhe, Ballet National Tunisien, Capitole de Toulouse, Europa Danse, Ballet Junior de Geneve, Ecole du Ballet Royal des Flandres, CNSM de Lyon, CNSM de Paris, Jeune Ballet du Quebec, Jeune Ballet International de Cannes.
He also ventured significantly into the field of opera, in collaborative work with Robert Fortune (Cendrillon, Orphee aux Enfers, Candide), Peter Busse (Capriccio), Alberto Fassini (A'ida), Jean-Louis Pichon (RichardCoeur de Lion, Herodiade), Frederic Pineau (La Poule Noire). In the year 2000 he was made a Chevalier in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, and since 2001 he has been in charge of the artistic management of the dance festival- Le Temps d'Aimer- taking place in September in Biarritz.