Swee Boon

Benois de la Danse nominee
Has since danced the principal roles in: Andre Prokovsky's Anna Karenina; Graham Lustig's Cinderella and Borderlines; Petal Miller-Ashmole's The Red Shoes; Coppelia; Choo San Goh's Unknown Territory and Romeo & Juliet; The Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, Stanton's Welch's Maninyas; Michael Corder's Rhyme Nor Reason; Jiri Kylian's Stamping Ground and Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Joachim Schloemer's Petruschka and Richard Wherlock's Stetl. His choreographic repertopire include Simple Trouble I & //with Cosmopolitan Dance Group (1993 and 1995), Sack-Cloth (1994) and Impression (1996) for SDT, Living Room in 1997 tor a public performance, A Frame in Time (2001) for SDT.
Guest artiste with Queensland Ballet in July 2000. Currently a dancer with Nacho Duato's Compania Nacional de Danza de Espana.