
Benois de la Danse nominee
In 1986 he entered the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. In 1995 upon graduation from the Moscow Academy of Choreography and joined the Bolshoi Theatre Ballet Company.
In the same year he left the Bolshoi Theatre for the Roman Victuk Moscow Drama Theatre where he played in R. Victuk▓s Marquis de Sade or Philosophy in Boudoir, The Autumn Violins and other productions. From 1998 to 2000 he was the choreographer of theVictuk Theatre.
In 1997 he studied at Russian Academy of Theatre Art on the faculty of choreography (I. Chernishov▓s class).
Since 2000 he has lived in St. Petersburg, where he organized the group of dancers who performed his productions including Orfeus (choreographic miniature, music by F. List), The Misfits (one-act ballet, music by G. Mahler, 1996), ┘but clouds┘( one-act ballet, based on S. Beccet▓s play, 1999), Caf_-Caf_ (choreographic piece), Happy Days (one-act ballet based on Tchaikovsky▓s Romeo and Juliet, Invisible Movements (one-act ballet, music by G. Mahler, 9th symphony, 2002), A Streetcar Named Desire (one-act ballet based on T. Williams▓ play, music by Arvo Piarta,2003),
A. Kononov also staged choreographic pieces for the movie Sergey Diagilev or the Last Day in Venice where he performed the role of Nizhinsky (director- V. Talizina, Mosfilm, 1997)
He toured with his ballets to Greece (Soloniky), Tallinn, Riga.