Benois de la Danse nominee
He has constantly reported on the most important events in the musical world of France and Europe in general, in some Russian newspapers and magazines, mostly in the news- paper Kultura and Ballet magazine, as well as in the French magazines Danser and Danse Light, in the European newspaper La Pensée Russe.
His photos of eminent artists and musicians has been published in the press, photo-albums and books. Among them: Rostropovich and his contemporaries, Ave Maya, Maya Plissetskaya — 13 years later, Rodion Schedrin — Autobiographic notes.
In 2003 he participated to the preparation and presentation of the Galas at the Kremlin Palace in Moscow dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of Rudolf Noureev´s death. He was also a consultant and organizer of production of the documentaries featuring life and the artistic carrier of Rudolf Noureev and Serge Lifar.
Since 1998 he has regularly presented ballet and opera performances of the National Paris Opera on the Russian TV Kultura channel. He is a member of the International Musical Critics Association. In 2006 he was elected its vice-president. In 2003 he was awarded an honorary certificate by the International Union of Choreography by For Putting Together Two Great Cultures.