
Benois de la Danse nominee
Winner of the 2nd Prize of the XIV Moscow International Ballet Competition, 1st and 2nd prizes of the Өrleu competition, 2nd Prize of the Ak-kuu-2012 competition (Bishkek), Diploma winner of the International Competition in Seoul (2017). Winner of the UNESCO Prize.
Her repertoire includes: Odette-Odile, Big swans, the Russian bride (Swan Lake), Aurora and the Lilac Fairy (The Sleeping Beauty), Clara (The Nutcracker), Mekhmene Banu (Legend of Love), Carmen (Carmen Suite), Mirta (Giselle), Zarema (The Fountain of Bakhchisarai), The Queen of the Dryads (Don Quixote), Zobeid (Scheherazade), Medora (Le Corsaire), Aegina (Spartacus), Conchita (Junona and Avos), Shamkhat (Frescoes).