
Benois de la Danse nominee

Born in 1973 in Lvov (Ukraine). Graduated from the Moscow Academy of Choreography (Aleksandr Bondarenko's class) and from the Moscow Institute of Choreography. He joined the Bolshoi Ballet in 1992 and was soon promoted to soloist. In 1993 he won III prize and bronze medal at the International Ballet Dancers' Competition in Moscow.

In 1998 he was awarded II prize at the International Ballet Competition in Jackson (USA). His repertoire includes the following leading roles in clas-sical and modern ballets: title roles Spartacus (Spartacus, Grigorovich), Yashka (The Golden Age, Grigorovich), Ferkhad (Legend of Love, Grigorovich), Blue Bird (The Sleeping Beauty, Grigorovich/Petipa), James (La Sylphide, Vinogradov/Bournonville), Romeo and Tybalt (Romeo and Juliet, Lavrovski), The Evil Genius (Swan Lake, in Yuri Grigorovich's version), Petruccio (Taming of the Shrew, Kranko), Basil (Don Quixote, Gorski), Jean de Briene and Abderakhman (Raymonda, Grigorovich), Taor (La Fille du Pharaon, Lacotte), The Favorite (The Russian Hamlet, Eifman), Soloist in Mozartiana, Agon, Symphony in С (Balanchine), L'Aprris-midi d'un faune (Robbins).

Tours with the Bolshoi all over the world.