
Benois de la Danse laureate
Wang Di is the winner of lots of National and International Prizes, among them are: National Tao Li Cup Dance Competition (1994, 1996), Golden Award in Guangdong match Traditional Dance part (1996), National Dance Competition (1998, 2001), First Award in New Dance Products Competition of China Army (2001), Director Award of National Wenhua Award (2002), Golden Award in Modern Dance Group in the V Japan International Ballet and Modern Dance Competition (2005). Silver Award in Modern Dance Group in the II Korea International Ballet and Modern Dance Competition (2005). In 2005 he also receives Golden Awards in Director, Performance and Product in the V Lotus Cup Dance Competition. He dances the main male roles in ballet Soul of Men and other dancing performances organized by the Chinese Ministry of Culture.
He has been the choreographer and the leading dancer in the performances at the Asian Ministers Conference in Hong Kong in 2004, Asian Art Festival in Korea (2005) to perform in the Color of Dance White dancing performance and others. He has staged such ballets as: Another year, South jungle, Ocean waves, The sword refers, The last lesson, Sad, Su Wu, One song, Sorrow, My silent love, I am with you. Night. Footsteps. Rifle, Jungle with dense boundary, Blowing wind, Tempting heart, That day, Game.
Wang Di has successfully danced in: Japan, Korea, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Monaco, Luxembourg, Romania, Malta, Andorra, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Macao.