
Benois de la Danse laureate
He has a very large repertoire that includes several roles in classical ballets (Prince Desire in “Sleeping Beauty“, Albrecht in “Giselle” and a principal role in Pavilion d'Armide” by Mikhail Fokin). He also dances in many works of contemporary choreographers — John Neumeier, Mats Ek, Jose Limon, George Balanchine, Nacho Duato.
Jiri Bubenicek is a laureate of the International Competition “Prix de Lausanne”. Several companies — in Munich, Vienna, and Stockholm have invited him as a soloist. He also took part in the International Ballet Festival in Japan (2000).
He is the author of several choreographies that were performed in Hamburg, Sapporo and Prague. In 1999 and 2001 he was a finalist of the Competition of choreographers Prix Dom Perignon.