Elsa Marianne
von Rosen

Jury member of Benois de la Danse
In 1951-1959 she was a leading soloist at the Royal Swedish Ballet in Stockholm. Elsa Marianne Von Rosen toured a lot abroad. She was invited by the Metropolitan Opera, Orginal Ballet Russe de Basile▓a, Ballet Rambert and the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen.
In 1958 she debuted as a choreographer with her production of “Prometheus“ on the music by Beethoven. Soon she created her own Scandinavian Ballet Company where she danced and did productions. In particular, she did her own version of the ballet “Les Sylfides” by Bournonville and the author▓s ballet Jenny Von Westphalen”(1965.) She concluded her dancing career by the leading parts in these productions. In 1970-1976 she was the director and the choreographer of a ballet company in Gothenburg, and in 1980-1987 in Malmo. She founded her own school in Copenhagen.
She is famous in the world for her original reconstructions and productions of ballets by Bournonville, which she did together with her husband. Her version of romantic “The Sylfide“ done with companies in London (Ballet Rambert), Santiago de Chile, Monte Carlo, Washington, Gothenburg, Leningrad and Dusseldorf. She also produced other ballets by Bournonville: “Flower Festival in Genzano“, “Festival in Albano“, “Conservatoire”, Napoli” as well as ballets by Galeitti (Cupid▓s Caprices and the Ballet-master”) and Petipa and Ivanov (Swan Lake”.)