
Jury member of Benois de la Danse
Benois de la Danse nominee
In 1972 upon the graduation from the Nice Concervatore he enters ГОрёга de Paris Corps de Ballet. He gradually passes all the levels of the dancing career and in 1975 becomes the Premier danseur. In the same year together with Florence Clerc he wins the Bronze Medal at the International Competition inTokio.
On July, 8 1977 he is nominated Danseuse Etoile for the performing of the principle party in IvanleTerrible by Youri Grigorovitch. His dancing stile combines the cat's flexible elegance (as in I'Apres midi d'un faune, by V. Nijinski) with the refine classical manner (Etudes by H. Lander) which leads him to the parties of princes.
In 1978-1996 he dances the most significant parties from both the classical (Giselle, Nutcracker) and Russian Seasons repertoire (Le Spectre de la rose, Petrouchka). At the same time he performs in the ballets of the outstanding contemporary and neoclassical choreographers, such as George Balanchine, Jerome Robbins, Anthony Tudor, Maurice Bejart, Paul Taylor, Merce Cunningham, John Neumeier, Jiri Kylian.
In 1980-1992 he regularly participates in Noureevand Friends tours. He also performs as a guest soloist with London Royal Ballet, Ballet de ГОрёга de Vienne, Ballet La Scala, Dannish Royal Ballet and other companies. Being the Professor of the Paris Conservatoire he teaches at Marica Bezobrasova's Classical Dance Accademy in Monaco.
Since his appointment to the Director of the Ballet company of ГОрёга de Bordeaux in 1996 Charles Jude keeps dancing the male parties (L'Apres-midi d'un faune, Petrouchka, Suite en blanc, Quatre temperaments). He develops his distinguished choreographic talent creating the original staging of such famous ballets as Giselle, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, The Swan Lake, Le Prince de Bois and Don Quixote.
Charles Jude is awarded by Nijinski prize (1976), Lifar Prize (1988), the title of Arts et des Lettres (1990), Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur (1996), et Officer des Arts et des Lettres (2001)…