
Jury member of Benois de la Danse
Maurice Bejar staged “Fire Bird”. Roland Petit — “Fantastic Symphony“.
Recognized as one of the most outstanding modem dancers, Michael Denard has always strived for his own interpretation of any part, giving each of his characters a rare dramatic colour.
A creator of sixty ballets, he also showed his unique features in great performances of classic repertoire: “Swan Lake“, Giselle", “Silphyd”, Coppelia”, RomeoandJuliette”… A performer of Bejar's ballets (“Fire Bird“, “How Nice Was Princess Tonight”, Is it Death”, «Vebem Opus 5»), Balanchin (“Apollo Musaget“, “Agon“, “Orpheus“), Robbins (“Faun's Afternoon Rest“), he also created interesting characters in many Roland Petit's performances: “Heartbeat“, “Shekheresada“, “Fantastic Symphony“ with Zizi Jeanmer.
Michael Denard was often in vited on turs to American Ballet Theatre” in Moscow, Kirovsky Theatre in Leningrad. He danced on the most prestigeous stages of the world with the best ballerinas: Gilen Termar, Synthia Gregory, Linn Samur, Natalia Bessmertnova, Ekaterina Maximova, Noella Pontois, Silvy Gillem.
Denard's dramatic talent was revealed in Ippolit” by Euripid, Dreams in Summer Night” by Shakespeare (Oberon), Notes of madman” by Gogol, St. Sebastian's Victim” staged by Bob Wilson, King David” by Arthur Honneger, Ring” by Maurice Bejar. Michael Denard is a possessor of Nizhinsky and Golden Sagittarius Prizes received by him in Rome.