
Jury member of Benois de la Danse
Having graduated from the ballet-master department of Leningrad Conservatoire he worked as a teacher and choreographer in Cairo in 1967-1969. He came back home in 1970 and started to work as a choreographer at the Staatsopera in then Eastern Berlin. He did such ballets as “Le Roi nu“ (music by Ftancaix), “David and Goliath“ (music by Tilo Medek), “The Flight of Birds” (music by Martinu), Three Musketeers” (music by Basner), The Rite of Spring” (music by Stravinskiy) and many others.
In 1979 he became the director and the main choreographer of Leipzig Opera House ballet company. At the same time he taught at the department of choreography at Leipzig High Theatre School named after Hans Otto. In 1987 he became a professor. Now Dietmar Seyffert teaches choreography at Ernest Busch High School of Acting in Berlin.
He worked at many opera houses in Europe — Basel, Berlin, Copenhagen, Leningrad, London, Munich, Vienna and Zurich. Dietmar is also known in Baltimore, Mexico, Cairo, New Delhi and Tokyo.
He was the president of German ITI Center and a member of the National Theatre Association.
He was awarded with many golden medals and main prizes at national and international competitions. He was distinguished by critics with special prizes both in Germany and abroad (Varna, Moscow, Berlin, and Jackson) many times.